概念:用句子修饰另一句子中的概念(词 to 整个句子)
单词:The woman who lives next door is a famous dancer.
短语:He likes climbing mountains, which is a good exercise.
分句:He said that he had no time, which isn’t true.
在spring boot项目中,可以通过@EnableScheduling注解和@Scheduled注解实现定时任务,也可以通过SchedulingConfigurer接口来实现定时任务。但是这两种方式不能动态添加、删除、启动、停止任务。要实现动态增删启停定时任务功能,比较广泛的做法是集成Quartz框架。但是本人的开发原则是:在满足项目需求的情况下,尽量少的依赖其它框架,避免项目过于臃肿和复杂。查看spring-context这个jar包中org.springframework.scheduling.ScheduledTaskRegistrar这个类的源代码,发现可以通过改造这个类就能实现动态增删启停定时任务功能。
Merge two sorted linked lists and return it as a new list. The new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists.